Tuesday 16th to Tuesday 23rd July 2024

A luminous kaleidoscope of contrasts unfolds as Hebridean Princess heads to the remote reaches of the Outer Hebrides, the heartland of Gaelic culture. Escape with us to a tranquil paradise rimmed with silver sands and crystal blue waters, an island world so near and yet so far.

Tuesday 16th July

This afternoon, guests were piped on board in Oban, and we set sail in the early evening for our overnight anchorage in Bloody Bay off the north east coast of the Isle of Mull.

Wednesday 17th July

After a morning cruising the Sea of the Hebrides on passage towards the Bishop’s Isles, guests enjoyed a a thrilling beach landing on the Isle of Mingulay in the afternoon.

We remained at anchor overnight off Mingulay.

Thursday 18th July

During breakfast we sailed into Castlebay, Isle of Barra, for a morning tour of Vatersay with walks on the beach.

After lunch, guests went ashore at Lochboisdale, South Uist, for afternoon walks on Princes’ Bay beach, Eriskay, where Bonnie Prince Charlie first set foot on Scottish soil in 1745.

We anchored overnight off Lochmaddy, North Uist.

Friday 19th July

From Lochmaddy, guests embarked on a morning tour of North Uist, including Pobull Fhinn and Barpa Langass.

The afternoon was spent on the Isle of Harris tomorrow for a tour of the island or a visit the Harris Distillery for a tasting.

We anchored off Tarbert, Harris, overnight.

Saturday 20th July

Ashore at Stornoway, our morning tour took in the prehistoric sites of the Callanish Standing Stones and Dun Carloway Broch. Our afternoon tour allowed guests to explore St Moluag’s Church and the Butt of Lewis. the most northerly point of the Outer Hebrides.

We anchored overnight off the Shiant Isles.

Sunday 21st July

Our final morning on board was spent cruising The Minch and the west coast of Skye on passage towards the Small Isles. We went ashore on the Isle of Canna for afternoon walks on the island.

The farewell gala dinner was held at anchor in Charlotte Bay of Kerrera with fabulous views of the sunset over Duart Castle.

Monday 22nd July

Disembarkation took place after breakfast and we hope all our guests enjoyed this voyage exploring the Wonders of the Western Isles.